Archive for June, 2019

Care, You Cunts!

June 11, 2019

If I cared would I drive at all?
In the face of mass extinction
And the suffering of future generations?
Was that the challenge
posed and proposed
upon the back of the First Whore’s jacket?
“I don’t
really care
do U?”
Spelled like Prince spelled
or like a snotty teenaged text
that’s certainly not remotely trying to
“Be Best”
What is this surgically enhanced immigrant woman
enslaved by prenuptials and wealth
trying to tell me?

Here’s what we know…
at our southern border
immigrant children are being thrown in cages
abused, raped, tortured
separated from parents
the sick are denied medication
and there, on our border
illegally imprisoned and deprived
eighty held in a cell built for twelve,
they are dying,
and if I cared
truly gave a motherfucking fuck
wouldn’t I be armed
shooting ICE cunts at the gate
in their ICE cunt piggy faces?

Wouldn’t I charge,
bayonetted in righteous glee
impaling and firing as the pigs flee?

Yes, I would.
Melania the Whore is right.
I must conclude,
I really don’t care, but
do you?

Please, do.
For all our sakes, do.