Archive for August, 2015


August 31, 2015

Once, back when
a person would’ve run inside
pointed out to the girls
behind the counter
“You see that woman there
the blonde one
in the white tank-top
she used to be a guy,”
and they would’ve gone,
“Whoa, you’d never know
she’s so gorgeous…”

was a thing that happened
people openly pointing
in her peripheral vision
and she ignoring it best she could
but now
a person doing that
would come off as a parochial oaf…

And as I sat
over-hearing her, the trans-woman
talk about how
the majority of her friends
are “cis-girls”
and she’d like some
“cis-guys” as “platonic friends”
and how she’s become
“pro-active” about her relationships
I realized
gender really is nothing…

The same dull drone
of desperate love
drops from every prick and cunt
like a symptom of venereal disease…

Differences dissolve
in the sad banality of words.

Advice for Young Serial Killers

August 24, 2015

When the time came for the talk,
“Never believe them,” the father said
“if they claim they’re on the pill
you wear a rubber anyway.”

The son listened
he always did to the man
with the welting belt

“In fact,” he went on
“you save it. show it
dangle it in front of her
make sure she sees
the jizz in the reservoir
then you put it in an envelope
write her name on it
and date it.”

The boy nodded

“Okay then,” the father said
and left the room satisfied
of the advice and good sense
he had imparted
but the boy never followed through
except for the using the condom bit
he knew pills didn’t stop VD
the rest, however, he knew
was just another weapon
his father drew from his vast arsenal
an armory of abuse
to beat him down
and deny him love

Of Butts and Heads

August 17, 2015

I am confused by both
what comes out of my head
and my ass
it is a sign no doubt
of the overall health of the organism
mind is an excretion of brain
shit an excretion of body
both begin to run aimlessly
clog up
become slow, sludgy
and carry a distinct stink
the aroma of a thing gone off
rotten milk, a drain
an orange rolled behind the refrigerator
and forgotten
as the more time passes
the lesser the chance
I will ever have
to understand

Bestial Flowers

August 13, 2015

Our memories
are not those
of our children
though we want them to be
we tell, we write and instruct
passing knowledge, taste
alleged wisdom
we want them to be
baby ducks in reverse
imprinting ourselves upon them
showing them the shows
in our youth loved
encouraging them to read
what we read
at the age
we read it
for some
the imposition of their religion
upon their young
theirs – possessively
owned by right outright
teaching them to hate
to deny service
to those who differ
in their perception
from them
tribally, sexually
yes, it is different
from sitting your daughter down
to watch The Goonies
but it is the same impetus
that stirs the soup
us old chickens make
and we can’t stop
it’s fundamental to our DNA
but so is rape and genocide
and we have laws
regarding those
so why not regulations
shitting litters of little Godly lilies
into the world’s depleting waters
or better yet
when you see it
stomp it
a swastika tattoo
walking its son
snap the boy’s neck
a confederate flag
waving in the trailer park breeze
a dozen maggots
playing robbers in the yard
mow them all down
don’t let your babies grow up
to be homophobic bakers
racist police
or Republicans
snip those buds and smoke ‘em
before they can blossom


August 11, 2015

polemics dovetail
poetics howlwail
embroidered in a sandal
embroiled in a scandal
misused words
definitions refined
blow by blow detail
of a job blown
color confusions
blue dress
but a coneful of gold
blacked into a corner
a bad trip advisor
spurned lover informer
pillow talk purred
in a prosecutor’s ear
tell the nation on television
Miss Deeds
ovulation unimplanted
unborn bastards
claim no thrones

Invertebrate Burn

August 6, 2015

Their eyes are snails
slow slime
down my body slide
eager spiders up climb
turn and bend
lift and spread
expose ripe insides to the gaze
firm and hard
stiff drink in hand
drops the dollars loose and easy
like they must think
I am…

(Want a dance
what brings you here
private room would you like
another scotch
come this way
oo, giggle, ha-ha
not like that
get your mind out of the sewer
it’s ugly there
and smells nasty
not like these
not like this
you like
for forty more
oh, yeah
there you go, get it
wee, that was nice, so nice)

…and the spent prick limp
falls from my cunt
a lifeless slug
squeezed dead by the heat


August 4, 2015

to grasp eternity
to hold its weight
conceive it in its entirety
is more than a burden
it is a weakness
crippling and debilitating
it is to be
as if bound hand and foot
to a single dead tree
desiccated alone
at the center
of a vast flat desert
windless featureless timeless
no rain snow or cover of cloud
one ceaseless season
as tied to you
as you to it
as at a stake tarred
encircled by a weave of sticks ablaze
where forever you languish in fire
except for the uninterrupted malaise
pressed into you
settled deep within your essence
by the imperishable age
how horrible a curse
this juvenile reward
granted for living
a life of obedience
to a book of fool’s rules

War for White Pussy

August 2, 2015

White supremacist bigots
shooting ducks and fucking for Christ
a plague of redneck ignorance
spreading from the South
over the airwaves it disseminates
a virulency of Caucasian patriarchy
infecting our nation through the tee-vee
it ingrains its malignant sickness
into our culture
through smiling pious faces
the folks next door
sweet and gentle

So what if they believe
homosexuals are an abomination
that should be scoured from the Earth
to appease a vengeful God
and bring blessings upon the USA

So what if they believe
the negro race is inferior
and its proper place is subordinate
to the white man and should serve him
happy blacks singing in his fields

So what if they believe
women ought to be quiet and obedient
cum-catchers shitting children annually
and any who choose to live otherwise
are Satanic hairy-legged whores

So what, okay, so what?