Posts Tagged ‘darkside’

Unmasked ’78

September 30, 2013

the day after I turned six
when my sister was not yet two months
I held her in my arms
before her eyes
I danced a stormtrooper
as Darth Vader confessed
through difficult breaths
to her his darkside dreams
these plastic toys, gifts acquired from the party
they remain still now in my closet
unchanged figurines
ageless faces under masks
I can see the appeal
hooded executioners never grow old
the KKK of today is as Downy fresh
as them of yesterday
under white sheets
free of time
but the static does cling
even KISS saw the gravity of their wrinkles
and hid quick-creeping decrepitude in paint
the better to pretend at continued youth
rock soldiers come
and rock soldiers go
as do mountains, only faster
to disguise the decline
putrescence beneath pantomime
nothing cloaks the stain inside
as once six year old boys have four year old sons
and baby girls of two moons
raise daughters of two and six suns
there’s no cowering under cover from the progression
you will be had
and the devil will get the ace in his deck